Photo of Tom Phillips
musicTom Phillips
Original Music
28 Events Performed
Tom Phillips and the D.T.s Calgary Alberta Band Leader, Honky Tonk Hero.
Survivor and singer of cautionary tales. You want it, you got it from Tom Phillips, whose career’s turned itself inside out so often that at times he appears to be a shape shifter. During the past few years, Phillips’ transformation was also physical as he swapped alcohol for coffee and his trademark cowboy boots and shirts for polished shoes and tailored suits. But appearances distract, and Phillips is no shape shifter: if you took a musical x-ray during every incarnation, you’d find song writing as the bedrock under the suits, boots, cowboy hats and skin. Which explains why revered blues artist Eric Bibb covered Phillips’ touchstone tune, Ribbons and Bows, on one of his albums. An esteemed statesperson of the Calgary music scene, Phillips earned his laurels over decades. He recorded with Gordon Lightfoot’s band in Toronto before releasing several albums, both live and in studio, with his legendary long time honky-tonk band The Men of Constant Sorrow (MOCS). He also released an acoustic solo album, paid homage to Hank Williams on the Sorrow Bound project, and smashed his comfort zone with a daring, darling album of cover songs from punk and rock territory. He’s often found anchoring musical gatherings that celebrate the songs of Haggard, Dylan, Springsteen and Lightfoot. The evolution continues on his most recent work with the D.T.’s (Difficult Transitions). The band formed serendipitously at bars and open stages, learning Phillips’ most recent songs onstage just in time for his last record. With MOCS veteran Tim Leacock (The Co-Dependents), Ian Grant (Art Bergmann, Cat Ranch), Geoff Brock and sisters Shaye and Sydney Zadravec, the D.T.’s translate Phillips’ songs into live performances that deliver musical delights which offer style without flash. So take a musical walk with Phillips and gaze at life through his seasoned eyes. He’s got it covered with a hundred songs that undress truths so simple they’re frightening. Ever cheated on a lover, driven home drunk, been bucked off your horse, or been the last person in the bar when the lights came up? If you’ve been stranded on the highway, woken up in the wrong bed, walked home barefoot in a ball gown in the morning rain, or wished you could have a re-do on any of these choices, Phillips has a song for you. MLW
Art type: Live Music
Music type: Original Music
What this Artist plays most of the time
Genre: CountrySinger/SongwriterWestern
Home base: Calgary
Appeals most (but not limited) to: Appeals to anyone who likes a good honky tonk song.
Top Venues Performed/Exhibited *
Ironwood Stage & Grill
The Blues Can
Mikey's On 12th
* Unverified
Events booked with Stagehand

We aren't booking live performances at the moment, due to Covid-19 restrictions.